What's a recall notice? Why does it happen?
Why can't I keep this book for the full 28 day loan period?
If I return a recalled book / video / journal, when can I borrow it again?
What is a recall notice?
When our Library system receives a request, it sends an automated email to the current borrower to inform them that the book, video, or journal was requested and that the borrowed material needs to be returned to the Library. This is called a 'recall notice.'
Why does this happen?
Requested items are assigned new, shorter due dates (always 14 days after the request), regardless of if it's mid-way through the current borrower's original loan period, or if the item has already been renewed.
Recalls can be inconvenient for borrowers who have the item signed out, but are intended to facilitate access to high demand materials for the entire College community.
I received a recall notice. What are my options?
After you return a recalled item, you may place your own OneSearch request to join the borrowing queue. You'll be notified by email when your request / hold is ready to pick up at the Library service desk.
Where can I learn more?
Instructions for how to place requests, or check due dates, and request renewals are outlined in the OneSearch Guide. Details about loan periods and fees for books, videos, and journals are outlined in the Library's Borrowing Terms of Use page.
For details about equipment loans, consult the Equipment Borrowing Terms of Use page and the Equipment Borrowing Guide.