I'm having connection problems with databases and other Library links. Any tips?
I can't connect to resources using the Library Proxy (athena.rrc.ca).
My computer is having trouble accessing OneSearch links / databases / streamed videos, etc.
The log-in / authentication process failed. What do I do?
Things to try If your device has difficulty connecting to resources using the Library proxy, (links that contain the hostname athena.rrc.ca):
- Test the connection using a different device or a different browser.
- If your login fails, close your browser completely and try again.
- If you receive a white screen with no content, try to restart your browser and clear your cookies.
- If you receive a connection error, your device may have another proxy running, either through a privacy app you have installed, or possibly through third-party malware that has infected your device. Try to turn switch off any VPN software or disable any firewalls you may have running on your device.
- Check the status of current Library systems and apps on the Systems Status page.